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The Untapped Power of Love

Love is powerful for it’s a piece of God. Think about it, “a piece of God.” It’s not as far-fetched as it might seem. Scripture tells us that when the world ends EVERYTHING will cease except for love. Can it be because “God IS love”?  And think how He shares that part of Himself with us too.

Not the world’s kind of love, which tends to be more centered on self than we think, but the kind of God-love that’s described in, “The Love Chapter” (1 Cor. 13).  As our loving heavenly Father, He points us, His children, to the importance of this kind of love. When asked what’s the greatest commandment, Jesus answered it was the one to love: First, LOVE the Lord your God … then LOVE your neighbor as you do yourself … for all the others are based on it. 

What we think and how we treat others is based on how much (or how little) this kind of love fills and controls our heart, thoughts and actions.

Thankfully we have the Love Chapter to help us see what this amazing God-love looks like when lived out in our lives. Only 13 verses but so powerful! … when we let them guide us through life’s situations, and in our relationship with others. What a mind-boggling gift He’s given us!

And to think this kind of love-gift can never die, for it’s rooted in God’s character; it’s who He IS—Love. The more we focus on Him, the more that Love becomes a natural part of our character too, much like a child emulating a parent they idolize.

God shares that kind of love with us, so we in turn can share it with others. What an amazing way for Him to be a part of our lives!

Check these thoughts out for yourself in 1 Corinthians 13, and in 1 John 3:1, 23-24; 1 John 4:7-12; 1 John 4:8 (God is love.)


Evelyn is retired from 26+ years in Christian ministry, and posts on today's new mission field, Social Media.


Published in FaithWriter's Daily Devotional,10/7/24


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