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It's getting dark out there!

This morning I started thinking to myself, "Turn up the light … it’s getting dark out there!"

No exaggeration ... it truly is. I'm seeing a lot of discouraged people these days and it's understandable. There seems to be no escaping how "dark" things are, because we're being surrounded and bombarded all the time by a world that doesn't make sense any more. It seems to have gone crazy from the top down, and all the wrongs in this world are constantly being thrown in our faces too.

The good news is there's still a lot of good out there too ... we're just being distracted from it. A real eye-opener for me recently was when I came across a verse that revealed God GIFTS US with all things good. And then I thought how Jesus, the greatest good gift of all, is called "The light of the World" for a reason.

More and more I'm understanding why God sent Him to us ... and I hope you are too. Don't let the "darkness" hide Him from you, for the SON of God is similar to the SUN. Both not only give light to see by, but both give us life-giving warmth too, and holds many unseen benefits, which scientists have discovered keep us healthy and feeling good. Dig out your Bibles, and truly get to know Him through the Gospels. Let Him "turn up the light" in your life too. For it truly is getting pretty dark out there.

I want to share this blessing with you, which caught my eye this morning:

"May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who by grace has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good word and deed." 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

I love reminders like this one, for when we're not careful, it's too easy to lose sight of His Light, like His goodness, compassion and love for us. My prayer and hope for us all is that when our eyes start to drift, something will always pull them back to His light of grace and hope. May we all be especially blessed in the days ahead


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