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It Beats All Love Languages

Recently I heard a song titled, I Speak Jesus. The song inspired me, yet I’d been puzzling over the title when suddenly I had what some call an epiphany.

Did you know that Christianity isn’t just a religion, it’s also a culture? A quick search on Google shows one of the ways we identify a culture is by the, “predominating attitudes and behavior that characterizes a group”. This makes Christianity a culture group like no other. It’s expected that each person who identifies as a Christian, lives by the same attitudes and behaviors that identify us as believers and followers of Jesus Christ and His teachings. (But sadly, and detrimentally, as individuals we too often fall short.) It’s a culture of belief and desired lifestyle that crosses country lines, racial barriers, and other dividers used by mankind. Plus this unique global culture has a shared language, which also crosses all other language barriers and helps us communicate no matter where we’re from.

It’s the language of Jesus.

It’s a unique one that doesn’t communicate by verbal expressions, but by expressions that come from the heart. It starts with love and shows kindness, mercy, comfort, patience, understanding … and brings healing, peace and restoration … plus so much more that’s good, understood and valued by those of any culture. As Christians, we’re to speak this language of Jesus too.

Now I understand the title, “I speak Jesus.” It’s a powerful one.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we Christians faithfully “spoke” this special language more often too? The Bible tells us Christians will be known by their love. (John 13:35) For that kind of love-language spawns all the good things in life that can refuel and heal the too-often tired and hurting spirit and soul of us all. So let’s speak Jesus.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23 NIV


Evelyn is retired from 26+ years in Christian ministry, and posts on today's new mission field, Social Media.

“I Speak Jesus”, written by Dustin Smith


Published in FaithWriter's Daily Devotional, 9/17/19


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